Retail Task

Complete tasks flawlessly at all levels, monitor progress in real time, and balance store workload.

Advanced retail task management tools to forecast, assign, and track work more efficiently

ThinkTime provides a clear, consistent and user-friendly platform for every task - from complex corporate initiatives to simple to-do items. Each assigned task appears in a personalized dashboard with a priority level so team members know exactly how to organize their time. Field and corporate leaders can balance the flow of work week-to-week so no store team is overloaded.

Create complex
tasks simply

Use our clean, user-friendly templates on any device to supply all of the task details associates need. Attach supporting files and unlimited sub-tasks to ensure work gets done right the first time. Link to knowledge base articles for best practices learned from previous tasks. Turn on "global comments" to create unprecedented collaboration and engagement.

Set priority level

ThinkTime Retail Task Management gives you a clear, visual way to let your team members know how to structure their day based on the urgency of each request.

Target distribution

Distribute tasks by role and location, mapped to your organization, ensuring every team member receives all – and only – the work they need to complete.


View store progress in real time and respond to issues instantly with integrated help ticketing. With our personalized My Work and Calendar views, team members district / regional managers see only the tasks that matter to them.

Enable task specific group comments to encourage collaboration and best practice sharing.


Optimize Retail Store Task Management

Add Requirements

Create a requirement to request specific feedback, photographs or surveys. Store personnel can verify task completion from the floor with a phone or tablet.


Assign a follow up task for field leaders to validate completion after stores sign off on a task. Ensure important tasks are completed to your high standards.


ThinkTime's 'StoreLink' service can automate the extraction of information from outside systems, such as your ERP, and present it in the same clear visual style your associates have come to expect.


Turn any existing task into a template for recurring work with ThinkTime Retail Task Management, saving time and increasing store efficiency.


Grow more efficient with our rich library of reports and widgets. Make sense of the data ThinkTime Retail Task Management captures to understand task performance and working hours.

Balance the load

Corporate and field leaders can see all of the scheduled tasks in our comprehensive calendar and match against budget and staffing requirements. If the workload seems too heavy one week, gatekeepers can determine which tasks to move to the next.

Quick Tasks

Not every task needs extensive details. That’s why we created "Quick Tasks" A simple form for the smaller tasks that need attention. You can assign a Quick Task to any team or individual – including yourself – and it will appear in a personalized view so nothing slips through the cracks.

See a problem.

Fill in the Quick Task form.

Assign to any team or individual.

Set priority level.
